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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Trying to be creative

Although I said I would not post every day . . . I really thought I would be better than this - I was thinking at least once a week. There are blogs I read that post almost daily -- maybe I can find a happy medium in between.

I was waiting until I had pictures to post - I am not sure who will be reading this (if anyone) - but I think it will not be so boring and to keep a record my creative journey.

Plans are coming together for the Atlanta Sewing Guild Spring fling. I found the cutest fabric for lining the baskets. It has old McCall’s patterns printed on it. The baskets have the same colors on the sides – they are so cute!!!!

They were very easy to make and they turned out just right. . . what do ya' think?

I have made eight of them so everyone sitting at our table will get a basket filled with goodies. I made cute little tissue holders. I gave these as teacher christmas presents one year. They are incredibly easy and take about 3 minutes each to make . . . . and the fabric matches the colors in the McCall's fabric.
I also made my first ever wool felted project - the idea came from Fee Folk Art! (There are lots and lots of cool patterns there!) Each person at our table will get a wool felted coaster in their basket.
So all total each person will get a basket filled with a coaster, tissue holder, a travel sewing kit and some spring colored candy corn packaged in some spring colored netting. What do ya' think?

Monday, February 1, 2010

The journey begins

This will be my third blog. I don’t think the first one really counts – it was for school. The second was all about our trip to Australia (see pic below). Which was way cool all by itself – but this one is for me and my creative journey. Just that and nothing more. You see my New Year’s resolution is all about learning new stuff – and learning to be more creative. I am without a doubt a left-brain person – very logical, I think in sequence, I am very rational, extremely analytical (can a person be too analytical? – oops there I go again thinking too much!) Hopefully by the end of the year I will be able to think out of order, be intuitive, subjective and think outside the box.

My first endeavor into being more creativity started in August ’09 when I joined a postcard exchange group – and I have been having a blast!!!! These are some cards I mailed in Feb. '10

I have gotten soooo many ideas from all of the cards I have received – and doing my ‘homework’(left brain thinking) for new cards has helped me use the ‘other’ part of my brain.

So then, to keep the creative juices flowing I decided to join the American Sewing Guild – Atlanta Chapter. Doesn’t that just have a nice ring to it? It sounds so old-fashioned . . . I wanted to find others who enjoy sewing and being creative. Boy did I hit the jackpot!!! Well, there is going to be a Spring Fling in Atlanta in April.
Our neighborhood chapter is decorating the tables. The folks in charge had the clever idea to use teapots as a ‘theme’- they brought several to the meeting and we were to choose one. We are to decorate a table for 8 using the teapot. Wow, I got Sister Debby to help – she came on board right away – with some of the neatest ideas. Stay tuned for the pics – it is going to be soooo cute . . . See the creative side is winning a little. this is our teapot . . .

My plan is to learn something new every month. I told Sister Debby this and she said it was a bit much. Well, I said – not completely new but -- for example I already know how to knit – but the only thing I have ever made is scarves. So my new project for January was knitting socks. I took a class at the neatest yarn shop in Woodstock (Ga.) Its called the Whole Nine Yards. The folks there are a very knowledge and talented bunch of ladies. Here is sock # 1 . . . .
For my first attempt, I think I did very well. I started sock #2 over the weekend. I hope to make many more – ok knitting and crocheting are creative . So I ordered some cool patterns from Sarah London. The series is called ‘Hip to Hook’. . . oops looks I will have to go back to the yarns store. I believe you can never have too much fabric or too much yarn . . .

More to come . . . I don't want to promise that I will blog every day . . . but stick around -- more creative stuff is coming.