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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Getting Better

I am one of those people . . .

Yes I have been negligent with my posting . . . but in my defense I had shoulder surgery.

Shoulder on April 1st

See isn’t that awful looking. The doctor repaired three things that were wrong. I am finally on the mend. Since this is not a medical blog I won’t explain all of the yucky parts – it is just good to know that I am finally on the mend.

Shoulder is almost back to normal! It only has a tiny scar . . . still sore but doing my stretching exercises .

Enough of that  . . . on to the creative and sewing things . . .
Sewing Guild’s Spring Fling – a big success . . .

The tables that our group decorated for the spring tea were wonderful. We had a good time.

This is the green tea table . . . it is soooo cute and everyone loved their little pincushions.

This one is the polka dot table – everyone got a basket of goodies to take home.

It was a lot of fun making them. I have had so much fun with the sewing guild – if you are not a member try and find one it is a great source of motivation and just plain fun being with others who enjoy sewing.

That's all for  . . .now more good stuff to come . .